Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Wednesday 12.21.11

Sub Main()
'create sample data. for simplicity, the data consists of an array
'of anonymous types that contain three properties
'name (a Sting), CallSign (a string) and age (an integer)

Dim galactica() = { _
New With {.Name = "William Adama", _
.CallSign = "Husker", _
.Age = 65}, _
New With {.Name = "Saul Tigh", _
.CallSign = Nothing, _
.Age = 83}, _
New With {.Name = "Lee Adama", _
.CallSign = "Apollo", _
.Age = 30}, _
New With {.Name = "Kara Thrace", _
.CallSign = "Starbuck", _
.Age = 28}, _
New With {.Name = "Gaius Baltar", _
.CallSign = Nothing, _
.Age = 42}}

'variables used to store results of Any and All methods
Dim anyResult As Boolean
Dim allResult As Boolean

'display the contents of the galactica array
Console.WriteLine("Galactica Crew:")
For Each crewMember In galactica
Console.WriteLine(" {0}", crewMember.Name)


'determine if the galactica array has any data
anyResult = galactica.Any

'display the results of the previous test
Console.WriteLine("Does the array contain any data: ")
If anyResult Then
End If

'determine if any members have nothign set for the CallSign property, using any method
anyResult = galactica.Any(Function(crewMember) crewMember.callsign Is Nothing)

'display the results of the previous test
Console.WriteLine("Do any crew members NOT have a callsign: ")
If anyResult Then
End If

'determine if all members of the array have an Age property
'greater than 40, using the All method

allResult = galactica.All(Function(crewMember) crewMember.Age > 40)

'display the results of the previous test
Console.WriteLine("Are all of the crew members over 40:")
If allResult Then
End If
'display the contents of the galactica array in reverse
Console.WriteLine("Galactica Crew (Reverse Order):")
For Each crewMember In galactica.Reverse
Console.WriteLine(" {0}", crewMember.Name)

End Sub

int main()
using namespace std;
int chest = 42;
int waist = 0x42;
int inseam = 042;

cout << "Monsieur custs a striking figure!\n";
cout << "Chest = " << chest << "\n";
cout << "Waist = " << waist << "\n";
cout << "Inseam = " << inseam << "\n";
return 0;

#include <iostream>
int main()
using namespace std;
int chest = 42;
int waist = 42;
int inseam = 42;

cout << "Monsieur cuts a striking figure!" << endl;
cout << " chest = " << chest << "(decimal)" << endl;
cout << hex; //manipulator for changing number base
cout << "waist = " << waist << " (hexidecimal)" << endl;
cout << oct;
cout << "inseam = " << inseam << " (octal) " << endl;

return 0;

#include <iostream>
int main()
using namespace std;
char ch; //declare a char variable

cout << "Enter a character: " << endl;
cin >> ch;
cout << "Holla!";
cout << "Thank you for the " << ch << " character." << endl;

return 0;

Private Sub PrintDocument1_PrintPage(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) Handles PrintDocument1.PrintPage

End Sub

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
'the AddressOf operator implicitly creates an object known as a delgate that forwards calls to the appropriate event handler when
'an event occurs
AddHandler PrintDocument1.PrintPage, AddressOf Me.PrintGraphic
PrintDocument1.Print() 'print graphic
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Sorry, there is a problem printing", ex.ToString())
End Try
End Sub

'sub for printing graphic
Private Sub PrintGraphic(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal ev As PrintPageEventArgs)
'create teh graphic using DrawImage
ev.Graphics.DrawImage(Image.FromFile(TextBox1.Text), ev.Graphics.VisibleClipBounds)
'specify that this is the last page to print
ev.HasMorePages = False
End Sub

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