Monday, June 27, 2011

Monday, June 27, 2011

Here is a class for working with time

class Date{
//purpose: implents an ECMA-style Date class for PHP
protected $time;
protected $date;

//static functions

public static function parse($date)
return strtotime($date);

public static function UTC($year, $month, $day)
$hours = $minutes = $seconds = 0;
$num_args = func_num_args();
$minutes=func_get_arg(4) + ((int)date('Z')*60);
$seconds = func_get_arg(5);
return mktime($hours, $minutes, $seconds, ($month+1), $day, $year);

// constructor

public function __construct()
$num_args = func_num_args();
if($num_args > 0)
$args = func_get_args();
$args = $args[0];
$num_args = count($args);
$seconds = $minutes = $hours = $day = $month = $year = 0;
case 6:
$seconds = $args[5];
case 5:
$minutes = $args[4];
case 4:
$hours = $args[3];
case 3:
$hours = $args[2];
case 2:
$hours = $args[1];
$year = $args[0];
$this->time = mktime($hours, $minutes, $seconds, ($month + 1), $day, $year);
case 1:
$this->time = $args[0];
$this->time = strtotime($args[0]);
//if no arguments are passed to the constructor, then $time is set to the default
//value returned by mktime() when called without input parameters
//aka the current system date and time
case 0:
$this->time = mktime();
$temp = gettimeofday();
$this->offset = (int)$temp["minuteswest"];
} //end construct function

//returns day of the month
public function getDate()
return (int)date("j", $this->time);

//returns day of the week
public function getDay()
return (int)date("w", $this->time);

//returns 4 digit year
public function getFullYear()
return (int)date("Y", $this->time);

//return hours field (0-23)
public function getHours()
return (int)date("H", $this->time);

//returns mintues field
public function getMinutes()
return (int)date("i", $this->time);

//returns month
public function getMonth()
$temp = (int)date("n", $this->time);
return --$temp;

public function getSeconds()
return (int)date("n", $this->time);

//returns a complete date as elapsed seconds
//since the UNIX epoch
public function getTime()
return $this->time;

public function getTimezoneOffset()
return $this->offset;

public function setDate($date)
$this->time = mktime(
$this->getMonth() + 1,
return $this->time;

public function setFullYear($year)
$this->time = mktime(
return $this->time;

public function setHours($hours)
$this->time = mktime($hours,
$this->getMonth() + 1,
return $this->time;

public function setMinutes($minutes)
$this->time = mktime(

public function setMonth($month)
$this->time = mktime(
return $this->time;

public function setSeconds($seconds)
$this->time = mktime (
$this->getMonth() + 1,
return $this->time;

public function toGMTString()
return $this->toUTCString();

public function toLocaleString()
return date('r', $this->time);

public function toUTCString()
return date("D d M Y H:i:s", ($this->time + ($this->offset * 60))) . " UTC";

public function valueOf()
return $this->time;

} //end class Date

//set day of month

$date = new Date(1309146256); // may 11th 1982
$month = $date->getMonth();
echo $month;
echo "
$newdate = $date->getDate();
echo $newdate;

$today = new Date;

Current date and time: %s

\n", $today->toLocaleString());

echo "

'Get' methods:


Month %d.

\n", $today->getMonth());

Day of month: %d.

\n", $today->getDate());

Day of Week: %d.

\n", $today->getDay());

Year: %d.

\n", $today->getFullYear());

Hours: %d.

\n", $today->getHours());

Minutes: %d

\n", $today->getMinutes());

$newdate = "Sat, 4 April 2003 15:15:25 +1000";
$timestamp = Date::parse($newdate);

Test dateL %s; Date::parse() yields: %d.

\n", $newdate, Date::parse($newdate));

Using toUTCstring(): %s

", $today->toUTCString());
echo "Now for some 'set' methods...


echo "

Let's try advancing the date by one day...:";
$today->setDate($today->getDate() +1);
echo $today->toLocaleString() . "


echo "

Now let's try advancing the date by one year...:";
echo $today->toLocaleString() . "


echo "

Now we're going to set the month for that date to 0 (January):";
echo $today->toLocaleString() . "


here is another tutorial that extends the above class.

class DateExtended extends Date
public static function isLeapYear($year)
return date('L', mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $year)) == 1 ? TRUE : FALSE;

//class constructor: passes whatever arguments it receives back ot the parent class constructor
public function __construct()

public function toLocaleString($long=FALSE)
$output = "";
$time=$this->getClockTime(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE);

$output="$day, $date $month $year, $time";
} else {
$output=date('r', $this->getTime());
return $output;

public function getClockTime($twelve = TRUE, $uppercaseAMPM=TRUE, $includeSeconds=TRUE, $separator=":")
$hours = $this->getHours();
$am_pm = " " . ($hours >= 12 ? "pm" : "am");
$am_pm = strtoupper($am_pm);
if ($hours > 12)
$hours -= 12;
if($hours < 10)
$hours = "0$hours";
$minutes = $this->getMinutes();
$minutes = "0$minutes";
$minutes = "$separator$minutes";
$seconds ="";
$seconds = $this->getSeconds();
$seconds = "$separator$seconds";
return "$hours$minutes$seconds$am_pm";

public function getDayFullName()
return date('l', $this->time);

//return 3-letter abbreviation for day of week
//(sun, mon, etc)
public function getDayShortName()
return date('D', $this->time);

//returns number of days in current month
public function getDaysInMonth()
return date('t', $this->time);

public function getDifference(Date $date)
$val1 = $this->getTime();
$val2 = $date->getTime();
$sec = abs($val2 - $val1);
$units = getdate($sec);

$hours = abs($units["hours"] - (date('Z') / 3600));
$days = $units["mday"];

if($hours > 23)
$hours %= 24;
$output = array();
$output["components"] = array("years" => $units["year"] -1970,

$output["elapsed"] = array("years" => $sec / (365*24*60*60),
"months"=>$sec / (30*24*60*60),
"weeks"=>$sec /(7*24*60*60),
"days"=>$sec / (24*60*60),
"hours"=>$sec / (60*60),
"minutes"=>$sec / 60,
$output["order"] = $val2 < $val1 ? -1 : 1;
return $output;

public function getMonthFullName()
return date('F', $this->time);

//returns 3-letter abbreviation for month
public function getMonthShortName()
return date('M', $this->time);

public function getOrdinalDate()
return date('jS', $this->time);

public function getTimeZoneName()
return date('T', $this-time);

//returns ISO week number
public function getISOWeek()
return (int)date('W', $this->time);

//returns true if current date/time is daylight-savings time
public function isDST()
return date('I', $this->time)==1 ? TRUE : FALSE;

//returns true if day is a weekday (Mon-Fri), FALSE if not
public function isWeekDay()
$w = $this->getDay();
return ($w > 0 && $w < 6) ? true : FALSE;

//returns ISO representation of date and time
public function toISOString()
return date('c', $this->time);

} //end class DateExtended

$x= new DateExtended ();

Current date and time (long toLocaleString()): %s.</p>\n", $x->toLocaleString(TRUE));

Current date and time (parent toLocaleString()): %s.</p>\n", $x->toLocaleString());

Current date and time (ISO format): %s.

\n", $x->toISOString());


Today is %s (%s).

\n", $x->getDayFullName(),$x->getDayShortName());

Today is %s %s, %d.

\n", $x->getOrdinalDate(), $x->getMonthFullName(), $x->getFullYear());
printf("%s is %s a leap year.<br/>\n", $year, DateExtended::isLeapYear($year) ? '' : 'not');
echo "<br/>";
$past = new DateExtended(1997, 6, 4, 15, 30, 45);

Past date is %s.</p>\n", $past->toLocaleString());
$components = $diff["components"];
$output = array();
foreach($components as $period=>$length)
$output[]= "$length $period";

Difference in dates is: %s.

", implode($output, ', '));

Difference in dates is: %s years.

", $diff["elapsed"]["years"]);

//set day of month

$date = new Date(1309146256); // may 11th 1982
$month = $date->getMonth();
echo $month;
echo "<br/>";
$newdate = $date->getDate();
echo $newdate;

Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday 6/24/2011

$date1 = '14 June 2002';
$date2 = '05 Feb 2006';

$its1 = strtotime($date1);
$its2 = strtotime($date2);


The difference between %s and %s is %d seconds.

", $date1, $date2, $its2 - $its1);

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Thursday 6/23/2011

class ShopProduct {
public $title;
public $producerMainName;
public $producerFirstName;
public $price;

function __construct($title, $firstName, $mainName, $price){
$this->title = $title;
$this->producerFirstName = $firstName;
$this->producerMainName = $mainName;
$this->price = $price;

function getProducer(){
return "{$this->producerFirstName} . {$this->producerMainName}";
function getTitle(){
return $this->title;
function getSummaryLine(){
$base = "{$this->title} ({$this->producerMainName}, ";
$base .= "{$this->producerFirstName})";
return $base;

} //end class ShopProduct

abstract class ShopProductWriter{
protected $products = array();

public function addProduct(ShopProduct $shopProduct){

abstract public function write();

class XmlProductWriter extends ShopProductWriter{
public function write(){
$str = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . "\n";
$str .= "<products>\n";
foreach($this->products as $shopProduct){
$str .= "\tgetTitle()}\">\n";
$str .= "\t\t<summary>\n";
$str .="\t\t{$shopProduct->getSummaryLine()}\n";
$str .="\t\t</summary>\n";
$str .= "\t\t</product>\n";
$str .= "</products>\n";
print $str;

class TextProductWriter extends ShopProductWriter{
public function write(){
$str = "PRODUCTS:\n";
foreach($this->products as $shopProduct){
$str .= $shopProduct->getSummaryLine()."\n";
print $str;

$dw = new shopProduct("PHP for Fun", "John", "Martin", 18.99);
$xml = new XmlProductWriter();


here is a tutorial on time and getting the last modification

echo "This file was last updated on ";
echo date('l d F Y, \a\t H:i:s T', getlastmod());
echo ". ";

$file = "time2.php";
echo "The file $file was last updated on ";
echo date('l d F Y, \a\t H:i:s T', filemtime("./$file"));
echo ". ";


And here is the final tutorial for the day on time

$file = 'time3.php';
$data = stat($file);
$accessed = $data['atime'];
$modified = $data['mtime'];
$created = $data['ctime'];

echo "The file $file was...
echo "last accessed" . date('l d f Y, \a\t H:i:d', $accessed) . ",
echo "last modified " . date('l d F Y, \a\t H:i:s', $modified) . ",
echo "and created" . date('l d F Y, \a\t H:i:s', $created) . ". ";

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


class db {
private $connect = "";

function __construct(){
if($connect=$this->connect=new mysqli("localhost", "root", "china", "phpobj")){
echo "connected";

function sayHello(){
echo "hello";

function query($string){

class ShopProduct {
private $id=0;
public $title;
public $producerMainName;
public $producerFirstName;
public $price;

public function setID($id){
$this->id = $id;

public static function getInstance($id, &$db){
$res= $db->query("select * from products where id='$id'");
echo "nothing found";
echo "empty";
$var = $row['type'];
echo $var;
$product = new BookProduct($row['title'], $row['firstname'], $row['mainname'], $row['price'], $row['numpages']);
} else if ($row['type']=="cd"){
$product = new cdProduct($row['title'], $row['firstname'], $row['mainname'], $row['price'], $row['playlength']);
} else {
$product = new ShopProduct($row['title'], $row['firstname'], $row['mainname'], $row['price']);
return $product;

function __construct($title, $firstName, $mainName, $price){

function getProducer(){
return "{$this->producerFirstName} . {$this->producerMainName}";

function getSummaryLine(){
$base = "{$this->title} ({$this->producerMainName}, ";
$base .= "{$this->producerFirstName})";
return $base;

} //end class ShopProduct

class CdProduct extends ShopProduct {
public $playLength;

function __construct($title, $firstName, $mainName, $price, $playLength){
parent::__construct($title, $firstName, $mainName, $price);
$this->playLength = $playLength;

function getPlaylength() {
return $this->playLength;

function getSummaryLine(){
$base = "$this-.title ($this->producerMainName, ";
$base .= "$this->producerFirstName )";
$base .= ": page count - $this->numPages";
return $base;
} //end class CdProduct

class BookProduct extends ShopProduct {
public $numPages;

function __construct($title, $firstName, $mainName, $price, $numPages){
parent::__construct($title, $firstName, $mainName, $price);
$this->numPages = $numPages;

function getNumberOfPages(){
return $this->numPages;

function getSummaryLine(){
$base = "$this->title ($this->producerMainName, ";
$base .= "$this->producerFirstName)";
$base .= ": page count - $this->numPages";
return $base;

$db = new db();
$obj = ShopProduct::getInstance(1, $db);

function date_diff2($date1=0, $date2=0, $debug=FALSE){
$val1 = is_numeric($date1) ? $date1 : strtotime($date1);
$val2 = is_numeric($date2) ? $date2 : strtotime($date2);

$sec = abs($val2 - $val1);
// **DEBUG**

Date 1: %s ... Date 2 %s

", date('r', $val1), date('r', $val2));

$units = getdate($sec);
", print_r($units, true));

$hours = $units["hours"] - (date('Z') / 3600);
$days = $units["mday"];

$output = array();
$epoch = getdate(0); // the Unix epoch in the server's local time zone
$output["components"] = array("years" => $units["year"] - $epoch["year"],
$output["elapsed"] = array("years"=>$sec / (365*24*60*60),
"months"=>$sec /(30*24*60*60),
"weeks"=>$sec / (7*24*60*60),
"days"=>$sec / (24*60*60),
"hours"=>$sec / (60*60),
"minutes"=>$sec / 60,

$output["order"] = $val2 < $val1 ? -1 : 1;
return $output;

} //end function

$arrived = mktime(11, 30, 0, 6, 9, 2002);
$departed = mktime(17, 20, 0, 6, 22, 2002);

$holiday = date_diff2($arrived, $departed, TRUE);

//display the entire $holiday array
", print_r($holiday, TRUE));

$components = $holiday["components"];

$output = array();

foreach($components as $period=>$length){
$output[]="$length $period";


My holiday in Aukland began on %s, and lasted %s.

", date('l, jS F Y', $arrived), implode($output, ', '));

Sunday, June 19, 2011

class ShopProduct {
public $title;
public $producerMainName;
public $producerFirstName;
public $price;

function __construct($title, $firstName, $mainName, $price){
$this->title = $title;
$this->producerFirstName = $firstName;
$this->producerMainName = $mainName;
$this->price = $price;

function getProducer(){
return "{$this->producerFirstName} . {$this->producerMainName}";

function getSummaryLine(){
$base = "{$this->title} ({$this->producerMainName}, ";
$base .= "{$this->producerFirstName})";
return $base;

} //end class ShopProduct

class CdProduct extends ShopProduct {
public $playLength;

function __construct($title, $firstName, $mainName, $price, $playLength){
parent::__construct($title, $firstName, $mainName, $price);
$this->playLength = $playLength;

function getPlaylength() {
return $this->playLength;

function getSummaryLine(){
$base = "$this-.title ($this->producerMainName, ";
$base .= "$this->producerFirstName )";
$base .= ": page count - $this->numPages";
return $base;
} //end class CdProduct

class BookProduct extends ShopProduct {
public $numPages;

function __construct($title, $firstName, $mainName, $price, $numPages){
parent::__construct($title, $firstName, $mainName, $price);
$this->numPages = $numPages;

function getNumberOfPages(){
return $this->numPages;

function getSummaryLine(){
$base = "$this->title ($this->producerMainName, ";
$base .= "$this->producerFirstName)";
$base .= ": page count - $this->numPages";
return $base;

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


$mydates = array('2005-01-01', '2005-06-30', '2005-12-31');

foreach($mydates as $mydate){
$ts = strtotime($mydate);
echo 'Day ' . date('d M Y: z', $ts) . "



// takes a 2 or 4 digit year,
// returns 1 or 0
function is_leap_year($year)
$ts = strtotime("$year-01-01");
return date('L', $ts);

//test the function for a set of 11 consecutive years
for($i=2000; $i<=2010; $i++)
$output = "$i is ";
if( !is_leap_year($i))
$output .= "not ";
$output .= 'a leap year.

echo $output;

PHP and classes

class ShopProduct{
//class body
public $title = "default product";
public $producerMainName = "main name";
public $producerFirstName = "first name";
public $price = 0;

function __construct($title, $firstName, $mainName, $price){
$this->title = $title;
$this->producerFirstName = $firstName;
$this->producerMainName = $mainName;
$this->price = $price;

function getProducer(){
return "{$this->producerFirstName}" . " {$this->producerMainName}";

class ShopProductWriter{
public function write($shopProduct){
$str = "{$shopProduct->title}: " . $shopProduct->getProducer() . " ({$shopProduct->price})\n";
print $str;

$product1 = new ShopProduct("My Antonia", "Willa", "Cather", 7.99);
$writer = new ShopProductWriter();

print "Author: {$product1->getProducer()}\n";

class shopProduct {
public $numPages;
public $playLength;
public $title;
public $producerMainName;
public $producerFirstName;
public $price;

function __construct($title, $firstName, $mainName, $price, $numPages=0, $playLength=0)
$this->title = $title;
$this->producerFirstName = $firstName;
$this->producerMainName = $mainName;
$this->price = $price;
$this->numPages = $numPages;
$this->playLength = $playLength;

function getProducer(){
return "{$this->producerFirstName}" . "{$this->producerMainName}";

function getSummaryLine(){
$base = "{$this->title} ({$this->producerMainName},";
$base .= "{$this->producerFirstName})";
return $base;

Class CdProduct extends shopProduct {
function getPlayLength(){
return $this->playLength;

function getSummaryLine(){
$base = "{$this->title} ({$this->producerMainName}, ";
$base .= "{$this->producerFirstName})";
$base .=": playing time - {$this->playLength}";
return $base;

Class BookProduct extends ShopProduct {
function getNumberOfPages() {
return $this->numPages;

function getSummaryLine() {
$base = "{$this->title} ({$this->productMainName}, ";
$base .= "{$this->producerFirstName})";
$base .= ": page count - {$this->numPages}";
return $base;


$product2 = new CdProduct("Exile on Coldharbour Lane", "The", "Alabama 3", 10.99, null, 60.33);
print "Artist: {$product2->getProducer()}\n";


Thursday, June 9, 2011

<script type="text/javascript">
function checkSearch()
if(!document.getElementById || !document.createTextNode){return;}

var searchValue=document.getElementById('search').value;
alert("Please enter a search term before sending the form");
return false;
else if(searchValue=='JavaScript')
var really=confirm('"JavaScript" is a very common term. \n' + 'Do you really want to search for this?');
return really;
return true;


This is a php tutorial on dates

$mydates = array("now", "today", "tomorrow", "yesterday", "Thursday", "this Thursday", "last Thursday", "+2 hours", "-1 month", "+10 minutes", "30 seconds", "+2 years -1 month", "next week", 'last month", "last year', "2 weeks ago"
echo "<table>";
//remeber: strtotime() returns a timestamp
foreach($mydates as $mydate)
echo '<tr><td>' . $mydate .':' . date('r', strtotime($mydate)) . "</td></tr>\n";
echo "</table>";


echo "Today is " . date('d M Y') . '. ';
for($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++){
$nextmonth = date('Y-' . (date('n')+$i) . '-01');
$nextmonth_ts = strtotime($nextmonth);
$firsttue_ts = strtotime("Tuesday", $nextmonth_ts);

echo '\n
The first Tuesday in ' . date('F', $firsttue_ts) . ' is ' . date('d M Y', $firsttue_ts) . '. ';

Friday, June 3, 2011


Here is a quick javascript tutorial i did

<script type="text/javascript">
function checkDate()
if(!document.getElementById || !document.createTextNode) {return;}
//define a regular expression to check the date format
var checkPattern = new RegExp("\\d{2}/\\d{2}/\\d{4}");
//get the value of the date entry field
var dateValue=document.getElementById('date').value;
//if there is no date entered, don't sen the form
alert("Please enter a date");
return false
//tell the user to change the date syntax either until
// she presses cancel or entered the right syntax
while(!checkPattern.test(dateValue) && dateValue!=null)
dateValue=prompt("Your date was not in the right format. Please enter it as DD/MM/YYYY.", dateValue);
return dateValue!=null;
<h1>Events search</h1>
<form action="eventssearch.php" method="post" onsubmit="return checkDate();">
<label for="date">Date in the format DD/MM/YYYY:<br/>
<input type="text" id="date" name="date" />
<input type="submit" value="check" />
<br />(example 26/04/1975)