Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday 8.26.11

int main(void)
const int FREEZING = 0;
float temperature;
int cold_days = 0;
int all_days = 0;

printf("Enter the list of daily lowe temperatures.\n");
printf("Use Celsius, and enter q to quit.\n");
while (scanf("%f", &temperature)==1)
if (temperature < FREEZING)
if (all_days != 0)
printf("%d days total: %.1f%% were below freezing.\n", all_days, 100.0 * (float) cold_days / all_days);
if (all_days ==0)
printf("No data entered!\n");

return 0;

#define SPACE ' '
int main(void)
char ch;

while (ch != '\n')
if (ch==SPACE)
} else {
putchar(ch + 1);
ch = getchar(); //get next character


Imports System
Imports System.IO

Namespace Apress.VisualBasicRecipes.Chapter05

Public Class Recipe05_03 'expanded by me somewhat using

Public Shared Sub Main()

Dim dirPath As String = "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\"
Dim dirs = From folder In Directory.EnumerateDirectories(dirPath)
Dim folderArray(20, 1) As String

Dim i As Integer = 0
For Each folder In dirs
folderArray(i, 0) = folder.Substring(folder.LastIndexOf("\") + 1)
folderArray(i, 1) = folder
Console.WriteLine("[{0}] {1}", i, folderArray(i, 0))
i = i + 1
Console.WriteLine("select a directory to copy")
Dim sourceDirNum = Console.ReadLine()
Dim sourceDirName = folderArray(sourceDirNum, 0)
Dim sourceDirPath = folderArray(sourceDirNum, 1)

displayNamePath(sourceDirName, sourceDirPath)

Console.WriteLine("Please enter the name of the new directory to create")
Dim destDirName = Console.ReadLine()
Dim destDirPath = sourceDirPath.Substring(0, sourceDirPath.LastIndexOf(sourceDirName)) + destDirName
displayDestPath(destDirName, destDirPath)

CopyDirectory(sourceDirPath, destDirPath)

End Sub

Shared Sub displayNamePath(ByVal arg1, ByVal arg2)
Console.WriteLine("-> You will copy the {0} directory", arg1)
Console.WriteLine("-> located at {0}", arg2)
End Sub

Shared Sub displayDestPath(ByVal arg1, ByVal arg2)
Console.WriteLine("-> You will create a directory named {0} ", arg1)
Console.WriteLine("-> located at {0}", arg2)
End Sub

Shared Sub CopyDirectory(ByVal sourceDirPath, ByVal destDirPath)
Dim source As New DirectoryInfo(sourceDirPath)
Dim destination As New DirectoryInfo(destDirPath)

If Not destination.Exists Then
Console.WriteLine("Creating the destination folder {0}", destination.FullName)
End If

'Copy all files
Dim files As FileInfo() = source.GetFiles

For Each File As FileInfo In files
Console.WriteLine("Copying the {0} file...", File.Name)
File.CopyTo(Path.Combine(destination.FullName, File.Name))

'Process subdirectories
Dim dirs As DirectoryInfo() = source.GetDirectories

'unfortunately could not figure out how to copy subs.

End Sub

End Class
End Namespace

Imports System
Imports System.IO

Public Class Test
Public Shared Sub Main()
'specifiy the directories you want to manipulate
Dim di As DirectoryInfo = New DirectoryInfo("C:\new\MyDir")
'determine whether the directory exists
If di.Exists Then
Console.WriteLine("That directory exists already")
End If

'try to create that directory
Console.WriteLine("the directory was created successfully")

'delete the directory
Console.WriteLine("The directory was deleted successfully")

Catch ex As Exception
Console.WriteLine("The process failed: {0}", ex.ToString())
End Try
End Sub

End Class

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