using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
//call the method that creates the tables and the relations
DataSet ds = CreateDataSet();
//set the data source for the grid to the first table
BugsGridView.DataSource = ds.Tables["Bugs"];
BugConstraintsGridView.DataSource = ds.Tables["Bugs"].Constraints;
private DataSet CreateDataSet()
//create a new dataset object for tables and relations
DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();
//create the Bugs table and add it to the DataSet
DataTable tblBugs = CreateBugsTable();
//create the Product Table and add it to the dataset
DataTable tblProduct = CreateProductTable();
//create the people table and add it to the Dataset
DataTable tblPeople = CreatePeopleTable();
//create the foreign key constraint
//Peopple.PersonID = Bugs.ReportID
CreateForeignKeyAndDataRelation(dataSet, "BugToPerson", tblPeople, "PersonID", tblBugs, "ReporterID");
//create the Foreign Key Constrain
//Product.ProductID = Bugs.ProductID
CreateForeignKeyAndDataRelation(dataSet, "BugToProduct", tblProduct, "ProductID", tblBugs, "ProductID");
return dataSet;
private DataTable CreateBugsTable()
DataTable tblBugs = new DataTable("Bugs");
//add columns
AddNewPrimaryKeyColumn(tblBugs, "BugID");
AddNewColumn(tblBugs, "System.Int32", "ProductID", false, 1);
AddNewColumn(tblBugs, "System.String", "Version", false, "0.1", 50);
AddNewColumn(tblBugs, "System.String", "Description", false, "", 8000);
AddNewColumn(tblBugs, "System.Int32", "ReporterID", false);
//add some rows to the table
AddNewBug(tblBugs, 1, "0.1", "Crashes on load", 5);
AddNewBug(tblBugs, 1, "0.1", "Does not report correct owner of bug", 5);
AddNewBug(tblBugs, 1, "0.1", "Does not show history of previous action", 6);
AddNewBug(tblBugs, 1, "0.1", "Fails to reload properly", 5);
AddNewBug(tblBugs, 2, "0.1", "Loses data overnight", 5);
AddNewBug(tblBugs, 2, "0.1", "HTML is not shown properly", 6);
return tblBugs;
private DataTable CreateProductTable()
DataTable tblProduct = new DataTable("lkProduct");
//add columns
AddNewPrimaryKeyColumn(tblProduct, "ProductID");
AddNewColumn(tblProduct, "System.String", "ProductDescription", false, "", 8000);
//add rows to the Product table
AddNewProduct(tblProduct, "BugX Bug Tracking");
AddNewProduct(tblProduct, "PIM - My Personal Information Manager");
return tblProduct;
private void AddNewProduct(DataTable productTable, string description)
DataRow newRow = productTable.NewRow();
newRow["ProductDescription"] = description;
private DataTable CreatePeopleTable()
DataTable tblPeople = new DataTable("People");
//add column
AddNewPrimaryKeyColumn(tblPeople, "PersonID");
AddNewColumn(tblPeople, "System.String", "FullName", false, "", 8000);
AddNewColumn(tblPeople, "System.String", "Email", false, "", 100);
AddNewColumn(tblPeople, "System.String", "Phone", false, "", 20);
AddNewColumn(tblPeople, "System.Int32", "Role", false, 0);
//add new people
AddNewPerson(tblPeople, "Dan Maharry", "", "212-255-0285", 1);
AddNewPerson(tblPeople, "Jesse Liberty", "", "617-555-7301", 1);
AddNewPerson(tblPeople, "Dan Hurwitz", "", "781-555-3375", 1);
AddNewPerson(tblPeople, "John Galt", "", "617-444-8732", 1);
AddNewPerson(tblPeople, "John Osborn", "", "617-554-3212", 3);
AddNewPerson(tblPeople, "Ron Petrusha", "", "707-555-0515", 2);
AddNewPerson(tblPeople, "Tatiana Apandi", "", "617-555-1234", 2);
return tblPeople;
private void AddNewPerson(DataTable table, string name, string email, string phone, int role)
DataRow newRow = table.NewRow();
newRow["FullName"] = name;
newRow["Email"] = email;
newRow["Phone"] = phone;
newRow["Role"] = role;
//AllowDBNull sets whether a value in that column can ever be null or not
//DefaultValue sets the default value for that column
//MaxLength sets the maximum length fo that column if it is of type string
private void AddNewColumn(DataTable table, string ColumnType, string ColumnName, bool AllowNulls, object DefaultValue, int MaxLength)
DataColumn newColumn = table.Columns.Add(ColumnName, Type.GetType(ColumnType));
newColumn.AllowDBNull = AllowNulls;
newColumn.MaxLength = MaxLength;
newColumn.DefaultValue = DefaultValue;
private void AddNewColumn(DataTable table, string ColumnType, string ColumnName, bool AllowNulls, object DefaultValue)
AddNewColumn(table, ColumnType, ColumnName, AllowNulls, DefaultValue, -1);
private void AddNewColumn(DataTable table, string ColumnType, string ColumnName, bool AllowNulls)
AddNewColumn(table, ColumnType, ColumnName, AllowNulls, null, -1);
//further properties must be set to identify a column as a primary key for the DataTable
//creates a reference to the new column and calls it PkColumn
private void AddNewPrimaryKeyColumn(DataTable table, string ColumnName)
AddNewColumn(table, "System.Int32", ColumnName, false);
DataColumn PkColumn = table.Columns[ColumnName];
//because thsi is to be an identity column, you'll want to set its AutoIncrement property to true and its AutoIncrementSeed and AutoIncrementStep proeprties to set
//the seed and step values to 1
//set column as auto-increment field
PkColumn.AutoIncrement = true;
PkColumn.AutoIncrementSeed = 1;
PkColumn.AutoIncrementStep = 1;
//make sure all values are unique
string constraintName = String.Format("Unique_{0}", ColumnName);
UniqueConstraint constraint = new UniqueConstraint(constraintName, PkColumn);
//finally the DataColumn must be added to the DataTable's PrimaryKey property
//set column as priamry key for table
DataColumn[] columnArray = new DataColumn[] { PkColumn };
table.PrimaryKey = columnArray;
//add rows by calling the DataTable objects NewRow() method, which returns an empty DataRow object
//with the right structure for the DataTable to which it belongs
private void AddNewBug(DataTable bugTable, int product, string version, string description, int reporter)
DataRow newRow = bugTable.NewRow();
newRow["ProductID"] = product;
newRow["Version"] = version;
newRow["Description"] = description;
newRow["ReporterID"] = reporter;
//you can encapsulate the relationship between tables in a DataRelation object
//the DeleteRule property of a ForeignKeyConstraint object determines the action that will occur
//when a row is deleted from the parent table.
private void CreateForeignKeyAndDataRelation(DataSet dataSet, string relationName, DataTable parentTable, string primaryKeyColumnName, DataTable childTable, string foreignKeyColumnName)
DataColumn primaryKeyColumn = parentTable.Columns[primaryKeyColumnName];
DataColumn foreignKeyColumn = childTable.Columns[foreignKeyColumnName];
string foreignKeyConstraintName = String.Format("FL_{0}", relationName);
//create the foreign key constraint
ForeignKeyConstraint fk = new ForeignKeyConstraint(foreignKeyConstraintName, primaryKeyColumn, foreignKeyColumn);
fk.DeleteRule = Rule.Cascade;
fk.UpdateRule = Rule.Cascade;
//add a datarelation representing the FKConstraint to the DataSet
DataRelation relation = new DataRelation(relationName, primaryKeyColumn, foreignKeyColumn);
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