Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday 1/31/2011

function setNumberOfSides() {
numSides = document.getElementById("numSides").value;
numSides = numSides + " sides per die";
var alertText = "";
var holderP = document.getElementById("numberOfSides");
alertText = document.createTextNode(numSides);

if (holderP.firstChild == null) {
else {
holderP.firstChild.nodeValue = numSides;

Here is something from the Shelley Powers book

<script type="text/javascript">
function init() {
var searchString = "Now is the time, this is the time";
var re = /t\w{2}e/g;
var replacement = searchString.replace(re, "place");

Here is another tutorial

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Searching for Strings</title>
<style type="text/css">
#searchSubmit {
width: 200px;
border:2px inset #ccc;

background-color: #ff0;

<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload=function() {

function doSearch() {
//get pattern
var pattern = document.getElementById("pattern").value;
var re = new RegExp(pattern, "g");

//get string
var searchString = document.getElementById("incoming").value;

// replace
var resultString = searchString.replace(re,"<span class='found'>$&</span>");

// insert into page
document.getElementById("searchResult").innerHTML = resultString;
<form id="textsearch">
<textarea id="incoming" cols="100" rows="10">

Search pattern: <input id="pattern" type="text" /></p>
<p id="searchSubmit">Search for a pattern

<div id="searchResult"></div>


Here is some more JavaScript

<script type="text/javascript">
var pieceOfHtml = "<p>This is a <span>paragraph</span

function convert(){
pieceOfHtml = pieceOfHtml.replace(/</g,"<");
pieceOfHtml = pieceOfHtml.replace(/>/g,">");
document.getElementById("searchResult").innerHTML = pieceOfHtml;

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