Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thursday September 9th 2010

Doing console aps now using tutorials from So far it's very cool.

System.Console.WriteLine("hello world")

Doesn't show up for very long.

Dim strChar As String
Console.Write("Enter a character:")
strChar = Console.ReadKey.KeyChar
Console.WriteLine("You just entered {0},", strChar)
System.Console.Beep(100, 2100)

I modified the next tutorial dealing with entering a line.

Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 3
Dim strLine As String
If i = 1 Then
Console.Write("Enter a line of text:")
ElseIf i = 2 Then
Console.Write("Write another line of text:")
Console.Write("Write yet another line of text:")
End If
strLine = Console.ReadLine
Console.WriteLine("You just entered: {0}", strLine)
If i Mod 2 = 0 Then
System.Console.Beep(100, 300)
System.Console.Beep(300, 300)
End If

Next i

And another

Dim strMessage As String
strMessage = Console.ReadLine()
Console.WriteLine("Hello! " + strMessage)
Catch ex As Exception

End Try
System.Console.Beep(200, 400)

And yet another

Dim userInput As String
Console.WriteLine("Enter a source temperature.")
userInput = Console.ReadLine()

The only problem is that there aren't any explanations for why we are doing these tutorials, I mean what the point is, and also I'm not entirely sure why we should be using console aps or what they are for.

I added a ucase to the following tutorial as a workaround for case sensitivity

Dim strInput As String
Console.WriteLine("Please enter 'q' to quit...")
strInput = Console.ReadLine()
Console.WriteLine("You typed " & strInput)
Loop While (UCase(strInput) <> "Q")
Console.WriteLine("Quitting now.")

There is another console tutorial dealing with temperatures

Dim intInput As Integer
Console.WriteLine("Enter a temperature...")
intInput = Val(Console.ReadLine())
If intInput > 75 Then
Console.WriteLine("Too hot!")
ElseIf intInput < 55 Then
Console.WriteLine("Too cold!")
Console.WriteLine("Just right!")
End If
End Sub

Here is another tutorial from, I had a heck of a time getting the uCase to work as it was my personal addition to the code.

Dim strInput As String

While (UCase(strInput) <> "Q")
Console.WriteLine("You typed " & strInput)
Console.WriteLine("Please enter 'q' to quit...")
strInput = Console.ReadLine()
End While
Console.WriteLine("Quitting now.")

I did another tutorial matching patterns and threw in a beep

Dim sInput As String
Dim sPattern As String
Dim sMatch As String

System.Console.Write("please enter a pattern:")
sInput = System.Console.ReadLine()
sPattern = sInput

System.Console.Write("Please enter a string to compare against:")
sInput = System.Console.ReadLine()
sMatch = sInput

If sMatch Like sPattern Then
System.Console.WriteLine(sMatch & " matched with " & sPattern)
System.Console.WriteLine(sMatch & " did not match with " & sPattern)
End If

If sMatch Like sPattern Then
Dim pitch As Integer = 200
For i As Integer = 1 To 4
System.Console.Beep(pitch, 200)
pitch += 100
Next i
Dim pitch As Integer = 500
For i As Integer = 1 To 4
System.Console.Beep(pitch, 200)
pitch = pitch - 100
Next i
End If

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