Visual Basic 6- Looking at the Form_Load event: writing code to display the date on a label
Label1.Caption = "Today is " & Date
It's strange for me to think that it is so simple as to just write "Date" and the computer knows to display the date.
Caption is of course archaic, now with you write "Text" which is much snazzier. The
Command button has also changed to just regular
button- Subprocedures
A subprocedure is the name Visual Basic gives to a block of a code
I am inferring here that subprocedures can be stored in separate modules - modules being pure code (just subprocedures) without any forms.
MsgBox "Put Message Here", vbExclamation
constant vbExclamation defines the kind of message box that we want to appear - in this case one with a yellow triangle and an exclamation point in the middle
- If / Then statements - seem to be handled differently in VB6 than
I customized my own program to imitate a password entry registration form - you know the one where you have to enter the password twice and if you get it wrong you have to redo the entire form again (well, usually now they just make you reenter the password, but in the
old days...)
The first program I wrote went like this:
Private Sub cmdEnter_Click()
Dim Password As String
Dim Confirm As String
Password = txtPassword.Text
Confirm = txtConfirm.Text
If Password = Confirm Then
MsgBox "Great - password accepted!"
Unload Form1
MsgBox "Sorry, passwords do not match."
txtPassword.Text = ""
txtConfirm.Text = ""
End If
End Sub
This worked pretty well, but what if someone didn't enter any password at all?
Just messing around, I changed the code above into a subroutine,
enterClick then rewrote the cmdEnter_Click() as
If txtPassword.Text = "" And txtConfirm.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Sorry, no password entered!"
Call enterClick
End If
- Misc
Apparently there is a password property, the one that masks your password when you type it in with **** (actually you can define the character that you want to have replace the letters / numbers )
VisualBasic.Net(Note to self - I have a 64 bit operating system)
One of the books that I am using is supposed to use the Northwind Database that goes with SqlServer and SqlExpress, but I think that database is no longer supported.
Installing SQL Server Expres onto my computer